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TruSphere-96 well plate

For High Throughput 3D Tissue Culture



  • 96-well plate with 6 spheroids per well (576 per plate).

  • One-step cell seeding.

  • Monosize spheroids for experimental consistency.

  • Compatible with SLS automation.

  • Effortless immunostaining and imaging.

  • Platform is directly embeddable in paraffin for IHC and H&E analysis.


The TruSphere-96 well Plate is a transparent hydrogel insert that fits within each well of a 96 well plate. The TruSphere-96 well Plate allows making an array of 6 spheroid/organoids with a uniform size and can potentially combine ECM integration and drug testing followed by spheroid formation in the plate. The formed spheroids can be used for various downstream analyses either on a plate or after extracting the spheroids from the plate. The insert is perfectly suited to various assays and is compatible with standard laboratory imaging equipment, making it suitable to a wide range of experiments. ​​​



  • Material: Transparent Biocompatible Hydrogel.

  • Format: 96-well plate.

  • TruSphere-96 Well Plate Specifications:

    • Insert diameter: 6.5 mm (fits the wells of 96-well plates)

    • Number of microwells per device: 6

    • Microwell diameter at base: 500 μm 

    • Spheroid size range: 100 - 400 μm (depending on cell seeding density)




  • Inserts must be stored at 4 C in a refrigerator while not in use. 

  • Pre-sterilized. 

  • Handle with care when removing the TruSphere inserts from wells. 



​Tumor Types

  • Lung

  • Breast

  • Pancreatic

  • Colorectal

  • Ovarian

  • Glioblastoma

Material Source

  • Cell Lines

  • Patient Derived Xenograft

  • Core Needle Biopsy

  • Biopsy Surgical Resection 


  • Invasion studies on spheroid/organoid array 

  • Co-culture studies (Direct and indirect co-culture)

  • ECM screening

  • Drug screening

  • Spatial Biology

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